Shamanic Journey

Shamanism is the art of living one foot in either world…

to cross between realms and assist beings

in the depths of their healing journey…


Private Transformative Mentorship Program 

with The Strix Oracle & Shamanic Healer 

Allow StrixRynn to insight your evolution,

host your transformative experience,

or guide your healing journey…

Arch of Evolution

Shamanic Transformational Journey


*New* Special Program for our Elite Owlets !!!

The Arch of Evolution is an INTENSE Program

which requires commitment and earnest readiness for some serious change.


We wanted to do something really special for our devoted Owlets who are whole heartedly ready for their Revelation.

This Elite Program is by application and only for students who have been hosted through a StrixRynn Package before.


Dakini Transition

64 Day Transformational Journey

In the Bön tradition, Dakini’s are transdimensional beings who guide one through their Bardo death journey.

This Program is an intensive shamanic transition through all 3 stages of the Arch of Evolution within the Bön 64 day journey for the complete transformation of a Being.

We guide you through the death of the old self, host you through the healing integration, and facilitate the cultivation and galvanization of your new self revelations.

Sekhmet Unleashed

108 Day Transformational Journey

Taking a walk through the cosmos with the Goddess of Transformation herself, a sojourn full of Feats & Feasts.

Unleash the beast within…

This highly customized intensive program will take you to the depths of your dark, the precipice of your power, and the fulfillment of your embodiment.

Through a perfect balance of sessions, treatments, distance work, and ritual ceremony that is uniquely you, we will explore exactly what you need to be set up for success.


Custom Experiences for Those Ready to Go Deeper


Shamanic Immersive Experience

A next-level private affair for you to dive fully into a personally catered, divinely guided adventure orchestrated and aligned to the fullest experience for your integrated healing and transformation.

On location at one of our favourite local sites or come with us on an adventure to one of the Sacred Sites hidden around the globe! 

Please contact directly for more information regarding building one of these unforgettable custom experiences.


Custom Crafted Talismans

As a Shaman, StrixRynn is honoured to provide a service in crafting custom and creative Shamanic Healing Talismans and Sacred Objects using natural materials to suit the individual Prayer for your healing.

These charms may take the form of Prayer Malas, Jewellery, Healing Fans, Drums, Clothing, Sacred Items, Taxidermy and More. All materials are acquired through nature, including consciously reclaimed animal medicines (feathers, bone, leather, fur, claws), sacred stones, wood, sand, and symbology.

Animal medicine could be as simple as a medicine pouch, fur/feathers/claws/etc, ceremonial clothing, or full taxidermy work.
StrixRynn also makes custom travelling Altar's, teaches altar building, or pieces for your own home altar.


Activation Infused Art

The art itself holds sacred space for you to navigate your healing journey.

Partnering with Artistically Ashley, Rynn has developed a line of meditative art that is activated by infusing Aiya healing energy into the creation of the masterpiece. You can feel the energy radiate off of the mixed-media pieces creating a phenomenal effect for any altar or meditative space.

To inquire about commissioning your own custom piece, viewing this series, or more about Artistically Ashley's portfolio please contact directly.